APEC Summit 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to the Economic Gathering in San Francisco

san francisco apec summit 2023

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2023 is poised to be a landmark event, bringing together leaders from 21 member economies to address crucial economic issues facing the Asia-Pacific region. Scheduled from November 12-18, 2023, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, this summit marks a significant opportunity for international collaboration and economic discourse.

Dates and Location

The APEC Summit 2023 will unfold at the Moscone Center, a prominent convention center in downtown San Francisco, renowned for hosting major events like the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and the Super Bowl in 2016. The dates, spanning from November 12-18, 2023, will witness an influx of global leaders, economists, and policymakers converging to discuss key facets of regional economic cooperation.


The summit is set to host leaders from diverse economies, including Australia, China, the United States, and others. The collective goal is to foster collaboration on issues such as trade, investment, innovation, sustainability, and inclusive growth.


While the detailed agenda is yet to be finalized, the APEC Summit 2023 is expected to focus on pivotal economic topics. Anticipated areas of discussion include trade dynamics, investment strategies, innovation initiatives, sustainability efforts, and fostering inclusive growth. These discussions are crucial for shaping the economic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

Tickets and Security

Unlike public events, APEC Summit 2023 is a closed gathering accessible only to accredited delegates. The U.S. government, in collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, is taking extensive security measures to ensure the safety of attendees. The summit’s magnitude makes it one of the largest security events in San Francisco’s history.

Impact on San Francisco

San Francisco is gearing up for the substantial impact of the APEC Summit 2023. The city expects a surge in traffic, increased hotel occupancy, and heightened restaurant business during the summit. While preparations are underway to manage the influx, the economic benefits, including revenue generation and global exposure, make the event a valuable opportunity for the city.

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Additional Information

The APEC Summit, held annually, rotates host countries, allowing diverse nations to take the lead in fostering regional economic cooperation. As the highest-level meeting of APEC leaders, it serves as a platform for not only economic discussions but also cultural exchange and international collaboration.

Theme of the 2023 APEC Summit

The theme, “Creating Economic Opportunity: Inclusion and Innovation,” underscores the commitment to sustainable economic growth and prosperity for the entire Asia-Pacific region. This theme reflects a dedication to inclusivity and leveraging innovation for economic advancement.

Key Issues at the Summit

Integral topics on the agenda include promoting trade and investment, addressing environmental challenges like climate change, fostering innovation and technological cooperation, and promoting economic inclusion and social justice.

Xi Jinping’s Attendance

Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to attend the APEC Summit 2023, adding significance to the event given China’s economic prominence in the region.

Ticket Availability and Access

Tickets to the APEC Summit 2023 are exclusive to accredited delegates, limiting public access. This exclusivity ensures that the discussions remain focused and productive.

Impact on San Francisco – Detailed Insights

The APEC Summit 2023 is anticipated to attract over 10,000 visitors to San Francisco, injecting over $100 million into the local economy. However, this influx comes with challenges, prompting the city to implement measures to address heightened security concerns and manage increased traffic.

Security Measures

The San Francisco Police Department, in collaboration with agencies like the US Secret Service and California Highway Patrol, is deploying a substantial number of officers to guarantee the safety of all participants and attendees.

Transportation Adjustments

Recognizing the potential impact on transportation, the San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission is enhancing public transportation services during the summit. Collaborative efforts aim to minimize traffic congestion and enhance travel efficiency.

Accommodations and Special Rates

The San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau is working closely with local hotels to provide discounted rates for APEC Summit participants. A curated list of hotels in close proximity to the summit venue facilitates convenient accommodation options.

Visa Requirements

For international attendees, visa requirements are essential considerations. The US Department of State website offers comprehensive information on the visa application process, ensuring smooth entry for summit participants.


In conclusion, the APEC Summit 2023 in San Francisco represents a pivotal moment for international economic collaboration. With a focus on inclusion, innovation, and key regional issues, this gathering is poised to shape the economic trajectory of the Asia-Pacific region. San Francisco’s preparations reflect the city’s commitment to hosting a successful event, reaping economic benefits, and showcasing its global leadership in areas like climate change and innovation.

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